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Keep Kids Safe Around Dogs

Safety Coloring Book

We all know how important it is to us that our children are safe from harm. But do you know how many children are bitten by their family dog??? The statistics will alarm you. But it can all be avoided with a little education, or a little ‘learnin’ as Sheriff Sheldon would say. Sheriff Sheldon’s Deputies of Safety is a unique coloring book that includes an online kid and dog safety course. When kids complete the course, they become free lifetime members of the Ruff Riders Club. There they will get new adventures in safety, sensitivity, and acceptance through puzzles, games, additional coloring pages, and fun activities the whole family can enjoy (including the dog). Buy one coloring book for home schooling the family or buy multiple books for group activities such as the Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts, church groups, or in the classroom.

Go to for link to Amazon page to order the coloring book for only $12.00 that includes FREE course and FREE monthly Ruff Rider’s club.